It Gripped the Nation for a Summer
Our tracking of Kiwi’s awareness of what’s on down under over the summer just ended reaffirms what we all thought – that the nation’s attention was dominated by the Prada Cup and the America’s Cup. And as Emirates TeamNZ got closer to match point the nation wasn’t just hooked, it was mesmerised. The power of the event to hook a nation was light years above any other. Although, the NZ vs Australia T20 Cricket Series and the White
Ferns generated consistent interest in the background.
New Zealand’s media profile around the globe, too, was dominated by the regattas for months on end. The only other events to break into the most discussed stories related to the raising of Alert Levels in Auckland and how that would impact racing. But how quickly we’ve moved on! Less than two weeks ago champagne corks were flying, and you couldn’t buy ticker tape for love nor money, but our social listening post suggests the halcyon days are all but forgotten! That said, kiwis are likely to support upcoming major events. Many will travel for these, adding to bed nights at their destination, albeit in a modest way.