5+ a day report

5+ a day

We all know that it is recommended that we eat 5+ a day – five or more servings of fresh vegetables and two servings of fruit every day to stay as healthy as possible. We were curious to see if people believe this, and how many of us actually achieve it.

The vast majority of people do agree that the 5+ a day recommendation is correct for them. But, only a third of us manage to eat enough on five or more days a week.

Our research showed that the shortfall is overwhelmingly due to price. Two-thirds stated that they do not meet the recommended amount because prices are too high, and almost all of us would buy more if the prices were lower.

There is clearly a problem to address. We agree that fruit and vegetable consumption has a positive impact on health but price excludes many of us from consuming at the recommended levels.

Research First is the rural and food and fibre insights specialist.

If you’ve got a question you want to know the answer to, get in touch with Liz: liz@researchfirst.co.nz