Digital Adoption in Primary Industries report cover

The 2022 AgriTechNZ Baseline of Digital Adoption in Primary Industries report

Digital agriculture represents a significant opportunity to enhance New Zealand’s primary industries, including economic, environmental, and social outcomes. This report creates a baseline of Digital Adoption in Primary Industries to better understand the motivations, pressures and barriers faced by farmers and growers in adopting new tools. The research is designed to provide actionable insight for agritech businesses, industry groups and public agencies who seek to unleash the potential of digital agriculture and develop strategies to support farmers and growers.

This report was created by Research First, in partnership with AgriTechNZ. It was co-designed with industry partners Zespri, The Foundation of Arable Research, The Fertiliser Association of New Zealand and DairyNZ. It was also supported by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries as part of the Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures initiative (SFFF).